This is a list of the books that have been made available on the Grammar CD. You may buy the CD from here. Longs Language - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Reader Grade: Based upon the principle that the child learns by example and practice, these books lead the beginning student to write correctly from the very outset, giving him or her correct habits which will last through a lifetime. Pinneo's Grammar – These books provide a comprehensive study for the intermediate to advanced student interested in understanding the rules which organize the English Language. 1. Pinneo's Primary Grammar: A simple and thorough elementary work for common schools, illustrated by very copious exercises and examples. 2. Pinneo's Analytic Grammar: A thorough and complete exposition of the principles of the English Language, explaining it intricacies and idioms. 3. Pinneo's English Teacher: A very exhaustive work on the analysis and synthesis of English sentences, containing a great number and variety of exercises adapted to training the mind of the pupil to the habit of using language accurately, elegantly, and forcibly. 4. Pinneo's Composition: Graduated lessons on English Composition, with appropriate directions, exercises, and models, designed to teach the art of composing with accuracy and elegance. 5. Pinneo's False Syntax: This work contains many exercises in False Syntax, systematically arranged. Promiscuous exercises are also added, embracing intermingled examples of correct and incorrect syntax, designed to test thoroughly the pupil's knowledge of the subject. Harvey's Grammar – For intermediate students, these books may be used for the pupil who has some previous grammar knowledge, or as a research tool for looking up an alternate or perhaps clearer explanation to that given in Pinneo's Grammar. Harvey's Elementary Grammar: This book is split into three parts. Part one consists of lessons in technical grammar, sentence-making, and composition. This course of instruction is introductory to that given in part two, which contains a concise yet exhaustive statement of the properties and modifications of the different parts of speech. Part three covers the different types of punctuation. Harvey's First Lessons in English: This manual is an extension and application of the principles sketched out in the "Oral Lessons" of Harvey's Elementary Grammar. Harvey's English Grammar: This book has four parts, each covering one of the four parts of grammar. These are Orthography (elementary sounds, letters, and spelling), Etymology (classification, derivation, and properties of words), Syntax (construction of sentences), and Prosody (quantity of syllables, of accent, and of the laws of versification).
Peculiarities of this Series. 1. Simplicity of arrangement, definitions, rules, exercises and illustrations. 2. Variety and attractive nature of the exercises, which are varied and full. 3. Minute and extensive analysis introduced early and continued to the close. 4. Composition is taught in all its elementary principles. Their Popularity. Probably no series of grammars published, ever attained so firm an introduction into the best schools of the country. This is owing to their rare and unquestioned merit, as numerous testimonials from leading educators show. They are commended as "works of the highest merit, clear, comprehensive, practical and thorough, embodying the true system of teaching the principles of the English language." "Their philosophical plan and simplicity of arrangement, the progressive character of the lessons, the abundance, variety and excellence of the exercises, and their admirable adaptation to the wants of both pupil and instructor, leave little need of further improvement." |