A list of Mcguffey's
The following list comprises all of the Mcguffey Readers we have on our CD. It has many books difficult to find
Economy to Parents- Combining the rare advantages of superior intrinsic merit, typographical beauty, cheapness,
and extensive uniformity of adoption and use, this series has been officially recommended by more than 10,000
school boards.
These are the 1879 edition of McGuffey's Readers, or third edition.

McGuffey's 1st Eclectic Reader and McGuffey's Primer;containing the
alphabet and lessons, simple and easy, for little learners.

McGuffey's 2nd Eclectic Reader and McGuffey's Alternate 2nd Eclectic
Reader; easy lessons in reading and spelling, for young pupils.

McGuffey's 3rd Eclectic Reader and McGuffey's Alternate 3rd Eclectic
Reader; interesting and instructive primary lessons, for young pupils.

McGuffey's 4th Eclectic Reader and McGuffey's Alternate 4th Eclectic
Reader; chaste and instructive lessons in prose and poetry, for the young.

McGuffey's 5th Eclectic Reader and McGuffey's Alternate 5th Eclectic
Reader; choice extracts in prose and verse, for middle classes.

McGuffey's 6th Eclectic Reader; a rhetorical reading book, for the more advanced classes.

McGuffey's New High School Reader; copious classic exercises, for the highest classes in
schools and academies.

McGuffey's Word List; contains the words of McGuffey's Revised Primer and Readers in the order
in which they are first met in the successive lessons.

McGuffey's Eclectic Speaker; comprising three hundred exercises for reading or declamation.
This book may be used as a reader or speaker; the selections being peculiarly adapted to the double purpose of
declamation and reading in High Schools.

McGuffey's Juvenile Speaker, for Common Schools: choice and animating exercises in speaking or
reading, designed for young pupils.

McGuffey's Eclectic Speller; containing more than 12,000 words, with rules and examples for the
formation of derivatives.

McGuffey's Familiar Animals and McGuffey's Living Creatures: McGuffey's
Natural History Readers are intended to furnish supplementary reading within a field which is always fresh,
interesting, and instructive to children.
Also included on the McGuffey's CD are:
The Progressive Course in Reading: In five volumes, a competing set of books to the McGuffey's in
its day, providing much more excellent reading material on subject such as Stories, Studies,
Rhymes, Riddles, Information, Literature, and Oral
The Rhetorical Reader:
A detailed course on Oral Reading.
Often overlooked but never more important, being able to speak eloquently is an important skill in todays
video/media driven world.
Hemans Reader for Female Schools: Teaching speaking, and containing extracts in Prose and
Kellogg's Rhetoric
De Wolf's Instructive Speller
Hepburn's Manual of English Rhetoric
Click Here to view sample pages and a complete list of books in the
The Grammar Series
Language- 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and
4thReader Grade: Based upon the principle that
the child learns by example and practice, these books lead the beginning student to write correctly from the
very outset, giving him or her correct habits which will last through a lifetime.

Pinneo’s Grammars– These books provide a comprehensive study for the intermediate to advanced student interested in
understanding the rules which organize the English Language.
1. Pinneo’s Primary
Grammar: A simple and thorough elementary work for common schools,
illustrated by very copious exercises and examples.
2. Pinneo’s Analytic
Grammar: A thorough and complete exposition of the principles of
the English Language, explaining it intricacies and idioms.
3. Pinneo’s English
Teacher: A very exhaustive work on the analysis and synthesis of
English sentences, containing a great number and variety of exercises adapted to training the mind of the
pupil to the habit of using language accurately, elegantly, and forcibly.
4. Pinneo’s Composition: Graduated lessons on English Composition, with appropriate directions, exercises, and models,
designed to teach the art of composing with accuracy and elegance.
5. Pinneo’s False
Syntax: This work contains many exercises in False Syntax,
systematically arranged. Promiscuous exercises are also added, embracing intermingled examples of correct and
incorrect syntax, designed to test thoroughly the pupil’s knowledge of the subject.
Harvey’s Elementary Grammar: This book is split into three parts. Part
one consists of lessons in technical grammar, sentence-making, and composition. This course of instruction is
introductory to that given in part two, which contains a concise yet exhaustive statement of the properties and
modifications of the different parts of speech. Part three covers the different types of punctuation.
Harvey’s First Lessons in
English: This manual is an extension and application of the principles
sketched out in the “Oral Lessons” of Harvey’s Elementary
Harvey’s English
Grammar: This book has four parts, each covering one of the four
parts of grammar. These are Orthography (elementary sounds,
letters, and spelling), Etymology (classification, derivation, and properties of words), Syntax (construction of sentences),
and Prosody (quantity of syllables, of accent, and of the laws of versification).
Click Here to view sample pages and a complete list of books in the