www.raysarithmetic.com Welcome to Ray's Arithmetic, a series of perhaps the most successful, cost effective mathbooks ever published. Originally published in 1865, Ray's Arithmetic was used almost exclusively up until the 1st World War. (Over a 120 Million copies were sold in that time!) Why were they discontinued? Despite their success in teaching math, there was a fatal flaw. These textbooks, written during a time of great Christian morality in the United States, reflect those values throughout. This could not be tolerated by the more and more socialized government, and so, with the help of John Dewey, these textbooks were removed from the schools. But unlike the public schools, Homeschoolers and Christian schools value the character and standards that made America great, and so we made it our goal not only to ressurect these books and make them available once again, but to do it in such a cost effective manner that anyone can afford to purchase them. With the miracle of technology, you can purchase a series of over 20 mathbooks on CD for only 59 dollars; less than the cost of a modern textbook. But not only that, as a special service to our customers we will pay for the shipping ourselves, even overseas.
More information about the mathbooks is available at our sister-site, www.raysarithmetic.com.