Eclectic Education Series
only $39
The importance of
History History is one of the most important areas of study- not
just so that we don't 'repeat the mistakes of the past', but because it enables us to learn about God.
Most of the Bible is history, because history allows us to see God at work.
The EES History CD
The History CD is an excellent collection of historical books, including Thalheimer's 6 history books,
a rare 3 volume set on Oliver Cromwell, Andrews Constitution, American Poetry, and more.

Histories The main series on
the EES History CD, Thalheimer's Histories are really something extraordinary. Some of the
major points that make them shine are:
1. Thalheimer, who was a Christian, wrote the books from a Christian perspective,
accepting the Bible as historically factual. This gives the books an incredibly cohesive feeling,
since she connects the histories of nations such as Assyria and Babylon with their roles in the
2. Thalheimer understood the importance and serious necessity of a thorough
knowledge of the past. Her perspective is best displayed by a quote from one of her own
"If we look familiarly into the daily life of our
fellow-men thousands of years ago, it is to find them toiling at the same problems
which perplex us; suffering the same conflict of passion and principle; failing, it may be, for
our warning, or winning for our encouragement; in any case, reaching results which ought to
prevent our repeating their mistakes. The national questions which fill our
newspapers were discussed long
ago in the Grove, the Agora, and the Forum…and no man whose vote...may sway in ever so small a degree the
destinies of our Republic, can afford to be ignorant of what has already been so wisely and fully
accomplished. Present tasks can only be clearly seen and worthily performed in the light of long
experience; and that liberal acquaintance with history which, under a monarchical government,
might safely be left as a
ornament and privilege to the few, is here the duty of the
Thalheimer’s Ancient
History, Preface
3. The books have all been written in the Eclectic Education Series style-
meaning that all of the paragraphs are numbered, allowing for very easy note-taking and
reference. At the end of each lesson, review questions are included to aid the teacher in questioning
what the student has learned.
Will run on any
computer. The History CD, as well as all the CD's in the EES use PDF
files to present the books, which will run on Vista, Mac, or any other operating
system. The History CD is designed to be a printing curriculum. In case of torn or
damaged pages, the books are easily reprinted. This also allows for
use over multiple children.
The entire collection of History books from the EES is now available on CD
for only $39--- and your satisfaction is guaranteed. If unhappy just return within 30 day's, and we will immediately give you a full

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Yes! I would like to order the complete EES History collection of 14 books on CD for only
The History CD is part of the Eclectic Education Series. The complete selection of books from
this series is now available, including books on every subject; Reading, Grammar, Science, Math, History, and
more. Read more about this series by clicking here. Purchase the
entire series and save $56!
